Ok, so this can be a hard one to break. For many people out there , myself included at times… we run for days keeping on top of our exhaustion with coffee and adrenaline.

It seems to be all to common to come across woman who survive by drinking coffee by day helping them get through their daily routines with caffeine fulled energy, eat sugar in the afternoon to counter balance their energy slump then after feeling tied but wired have wine to relax again in the evening.

Sound familiar? It’s ok, you’re not alone. The things is, it’s so common that it’s perceived to be normal. However is it really what’s best for out bodies and our minds or are we waking up each day on the back foot, already depleted?

This cycle can only repeat for a certain amount of time before it leads to other health concerns. “It’s the only way I can get through my days” we hear ourselves say… However if enough is enough and you know it’s time to break the cycle I have listed just a few tips to help reshape your routines. Not easy at first but worth it in the long run I can assure you!

Step One. GET TO BED!!! Getting adequate sleep is crucial for your energy. After weeks of loosing just 1-2 hours of sleep each night we can accumulate sleep debt which will definitely add to your daily fatigue. It’s easy to underestimate the importance of sleep. It’s time to be a little bit disciplined and get to bed earlier, aiming for 8 hours sleep each night.

Step Two. REDUCE YOUR CAFFEINE!!! Wow… this is a big one. Many of us drink too much caffeine and survive on adrenal energy which just begins to feel like the new norm. Living your life in fight or flight mode where your body is constantly producing stress hormones like cortisol can be exhausting and is only sustainable for so long. Too much caffeine can also create anxiety which can leave you feeling even more depleted.

Step Three. START YOUR DAY WITH MOVEMENT!!! Participating in an early morning workout ( even 10-20mins) will make your body produce healthy, happy feel good hormones and give you a natural energy boost. It may be a functional training or cardio workout but a gentle flow or pilates class will work also.

Step Four. DRINK MORE WATER!!! Water gives you energy by helping to prevent symptoms such as fatigue and tiredness that come with dehydration. Whether you're exercising, in the office or doing the house work your body needs water to function well. Remember, If you're thirsty, you're already dehydrated.

Step Five. INCREASE PROTEIN INTAKE!!! Not consuming enough protein during the day can be a key reason for fatigue. Protein-based foods provide the body with fuel to repair and build tissues. Protein takes longer than carbohydrates to break down in the body, providing a longer-lasting energy source. Protein is the only macro-nutrient that gives you that feeling of satiety helping to avoid eating excess sugars which can cause energy slumps.

Step Six. REDUCE YOUR SUGAR INTAKE!!! When you eat something full of sugar, your blood sugar levels spike rapidly, giving you that quick but short boost in mood and alertness. Shortly after blood sugar then falls as insulin is released into your cells. This big, sudden drop in blood sugar can make you shaky, weak, hungry and moody. By focusing on more wholesome, nutritious food consumed more regularly throughout the day, instead of that very common afternoon sugar indulgence you can give yourself more stable energy levels that leave you feeling calmer and happier.

Step Seven. REDUCE ALCOHOL INTAKE!!! With its negative effects on your sleep and mood, drinking too much can make you feel tired, sluggish and generally a bit under the weather. Drink less and it shouldn't take too long before you notice that you have more energy.

Step Eight. ENJOY A SIMPLE DAILY MEDITATIONS!!! Many people become surprised to learn that meditation may just be the very best way to calm and focus the mind and can also be a highly effective solution for increasing energy, especially over the long term. Meditation boosts two critical chemicals: Growth Hormone (GH) & DHEA. If you want more energy, then boosting these two critical chemicals will do the trick.

I hope these eight key steps can help you on your way to breaking your no energy cycle. Perhaps just pick 1-2 steps to begin with to avoid overwhelm.

You may find a few of these steps harder to adopt than others but when your energy, mood and daily contentment increasing, you’ll realise its all worth it!!!

Good luck! Big love

Rachelle xx

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