Just be yourself …. Hmmmmm “let’s unpack this a little”

In general… "be yourself" means be true to your core identity rather than faking a different one because you think it will be attractive to others.

But we like to be liked right? And we care about what others think to a degree don’t we? I think deep down we don’t want others to think we are mean, ungrateful, untrustworthy… or not a nice person do we??

We shouldn’t however have to “CHANGE” our natural selves to please and fit in with others.

It’s a good idea to accept that not everyone is going to want to be your best friend and this doesn’t mean you’re not a nice person.

Below are a few example of not being true to who you are :

1) lying about something to please others

2) hiding your opinion for the sake of popularity

3) acting happy when you are miserable

4) complimenting someone when you don’t mean it.

If you recognise any of the above… not to worry but perhaps it’s time to make a few changes.

On a more positive note, here are also a few good signs you are being true to yourself:

1) You don’t have to think hard to act a part. You just know how to be yourself.

2) You feel good, relaxed around others and comfortable in your own skin

3) You are not trying to impress anyone or worried about being judged

4) You don’t second guess what you’re about to say before you say it. You can breathe easy and feel happy.

Now go get out there and “just be yourself!”

I promise it feels good!!!!!

rachelle xx


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