HAPPINESS IS AN INSIDE JOB - 6 simple daily tips for a happier healthier 2024

RM’s 6 simple DAILY tips for a happier healthier 2024!
(I’ve tried them… they work!!!)

1) Wake with gratitude ( before getting out of bed think of three things you are grateful for and one thing that will make your day great! ) maybe even write them down.

2) Drink a warm cup of water with lemon first thing in the morning to get your body ready for the day.
Also be sure to drink more water during the day… most of us are walking around dehydrated… a good tip is to place a grain of mineral salt (Himalayan or Celtic) on your tongue before each glass (8 glasses/per) to assist in absorption of water . It’s like a natural electrolyte, helpful since our tap water is lacking many natural minerals we need.

3) Adopt intuitive eating. We know what we should and shouldn’t be eating, right? It’s time to cut the crap. Learn to listen to your body. Reduce processed foods from your house. The less you eat them the less your body will crave them! Get a good balance of protein, carbohydrate, good fats and micronutrients through your WHOLE foods, preferably organic (which has more nutrients, tastes better and has less pesticides.

4) Sleep WELL! Pleeeeeease try to get 8 hours of sleep (I know this is harder when you have young kids or if you are shift worker) Sleep is your bodies way to detox, distress, download, reset and it’s CRUCIAL for mental health and happiness… our most important sleep is from the hours of 9pm till 2am. A good tip is to follow the sun.

5) Move and Breath!!! Our bodies are designed to move… but we don’t have to smash ourselves in the gym to enjoy the benefits of daily exercise… it’s important to keep a balance in our nervous system.. you may need to experiment with what exercise suits you best!! No need to follow the herd.. listen to your body and workout a realistic routine! Breathwork (pranayama) is also a great daily practice to help balance your nervous system and bring a sense of calm to your day. A real game changer!!!!

6) Find your joy. We all need something in our life that brings us joy…. Sometimes we get lost in the “business” of life and we also lose the ability to relax and feel joy daily!
A few examples of things that bring me joy are going for a swim in the ocean a ride in the bush or singing and playing guitar in my room.

Life is short…..… what brings you joy? Can you make time for more of it this year???

rachelle xx

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